The viz is for June's #DiversityinData with the theme being #Pride2021. Inspired by Awnings, Avenue Matigon, an abstract drawing, the viz is showing % using a stacked bar chart. After the initial submission, I have received feedback that labels may have helped readers know which bar to refer to. I think that the initial lack of labels to help read the chart may have arisen from a tunnel vision to want to emulate the art piece. A lesson for the future to remember to guide the reader on how to read if the charts are not straightforward.
This viz is a continual attempt of using abstract art as inspiration with the previous one being Modern Art, my viz that has been created for #viz2educate April's theme, Art & Music. For the Modern Art viz, I have taken inspirations from abstract art pieces, like "No. 2, Green, Red and Blue" (Mark Rothko, 1953), "Tableau I" (Piet Mondrian's, 1921), "Squares with Concentric Circles" (Vassily Kandinsky, 1913). It is probably my lack of artistic talent, but the charts turn out to be rather "block-like".
2. Crowd2Map
When I initially glanced at the dataset for this #vizforsocialgood community project, I was not quite on board with attempting this as I felt that the data could not be visualised meaningfully. Nevertheless, I tried. Stepping back to read the dataset carefully and looking at the initial postings of other volunteers' vizzes, I have managed to get some inspiration. In the end, I am quite happy with the use of map pin as part of the pie charts.
Created for World Environment Day (5 June), this may be my longest viz yet. This viz is not for a community project, but it is a first for my self-initiated project to create vizzes for some international days that I feel more strongly for.
There is one thing that I think I can do better and two parts of this viz that I like. For the thing to improve, I suppose I can create a more interactive viz, as this viz feels like a long poster on the topic of the world's forests. The 2 parts that I like are 1) the " world map" represented by proportionately sized squares in accordance with forest growth and 2) the icon representations of protected forest areas.
Like the previous viz, this viz is for an international day. This is for World Oceans Day (8 June), and the viz shows three things at once, the world employment for fishers and fish farmers, world fish stock over the years, and the instruments that we have taken to protect our oceans. In hindsight, I do know what I am going for this viz - an ocean (obviously) - but the end-product seems clunky.
5. Airline Passenger Satisfaction
This dashboard has been created for a workplace contest. Winners are based on the number of "Likes", so I have no expectations of winning at all. It is the fun I think I will have based on the dataset that has attracted me to join the contest.
This dashboard has been created for a workplace contest. Winners are based on the number of "Likes", so I have no expectations of winning at all. It is the fun I think I will have based on the dataset that has attracted me to join the contest.
For this viz, I have applied and learnt a few techniques on Tableau for the population pyramid and Likert scale with the net promoter score. A comment I have received is that this dashboard is clear. I think this is because of my use of colours and the replacement of the y-axis with the labels.
All in all, it has been fun squeezing my brain for new ideas to differentiate my vizzes for this quarter. I do hope to learn more techniques in visualisation and dashboarding while visualising data for good causes.