List: 5 of My Tableau Vizzes from 2021 Q3

Looks like another quarter has passed by us again. Here is my 3rd "5 of my Tableau Viz" for this year. I think this quarter has been quite special as I have joined Tableau Iron Viz for the first time.

1. Iron Viz - Global Skill Stocktake 2015-2019

My submission for Iron Viz - the world’s largest virtual data visualization competition— that ignites and showcases the power of the Tableau Community, allowing the community to interact with data rockstars worldwide. I have to admit this viz is not up to par design-wise. However, I have completed the following objectives I set out to fulfil through Iron Viz: 

  • Joining Iron Viz for the first time.
  • Doing a chart on skills since being part of the human resource and education administration fields for more than 3 years.
  • Using Tableau's new function of map layers to create icons.
  • Experimenting with a different kind of sparkline chart, stripe sparkline.

2. "Entry-level" Jobs on LinkedIn that Require 3+ Years Experience

The viz is a submission for #MakeoverMonday 2021 week 34. This is my first #MakeoverMonday since 2021 week 6. I partly joined due to the topic of skills and the chance to do a waffle chart. For the waffle charts being used, I have tried out a method that I have been testing for a while. I hope to share more about the process on this blog more, so stay tuned. My way of creating the waffle chart may be kind of tiring at the setup, but the data visualised is to the decimal place and it can stretch and fit into any size on Tableau. Nevertheless, the issue is that I am only able to have 1 item visualised for each waffle chart.

There is also version 2 here where the numbers take a more prominent position.

3. Tourist Attraction in Singapore

The viz is a submission for August's IronQuest, a monthly challenge. The data points are sparse, so the viz looks quite simple data-wise. This is due to my focus on the map used for the background of this viz. The map is done using Mapbox Studio and Tableau's map function. This is my first time exploring Mapbox Studio and I think that the colours have helped make the map stand out more compared to my first draft where the map has the basic colour set as seen below:

This viz is August's submission for #DiversityinData. The theme is refugees. Feedback on Twitter in terms of Likes is quite high relative to my other submissions for community projects. It may have been the look of the viz that has been inspired by New York City I, 1942 by Piet Mondrian. The story behind the original art is that "the change in Mondrian's style and manner of working after he arrived in the United States... was the inner liberation he felt after his move to America. The atmosphere he encountered there was not filled at all times with a feeling of menace and dread, but with solid confidence in the final victory over the tyranny that had driven Mondrian from Paris."

Although this viz works in terms of my continued exploration in using abstract art as design inspiration for viz (see List: 5 of My Tableau Viz from 2021 Q2 post for the other one), the lines have made the chart quite inaccessible as the lines are too compact, thus, it makes the viz hard to read.

This viz is a submission for the #VizforSocialGood project for Sunny Street. Sunny Street is a nonprofit that provides mobile health outreach services for those experiencing homelessness and vulnerability across Australia. This viz has also received quite a bit of feedback on Twitter. In fact, it has the most replies on Twitter I have for a post so far. It may be partly because of the design of the viz that suits the theme a lot. Once again, I have tried to use Mapbox Studio for a better-designed map. The use of circles has also been fun.

All in all, this quarter has been quite fruitful with vizzes as they fulfil some of my development journeys. One last viz self-review for 2021 in the next quarter as a promise to myself that I have carried over from LinkedIn. I am looking into more ways to share my vizzes in 2022.