This "web book" as its title says, is a book on how to format your dashboard for it to be ready to be shared. According to the book, there are 4 steps to designing a dashboard: 1) Define, 2) Prototype, 3) Build, and 4) Deploy. The process is similar to the steps in design thinking, but not quite the same. Nonetheless, there are ideas shared. I think there are valuable lessons for readers who are about to or is to prototype by sketching the old-school way using pen and paper and be in touch with others to get feedback to improve. It also discusses a bit on data and SQL.
Things I like
1. It is free. The e-book in PDF is free and legally available for all to read by downloading from the Data School website. It helps beginners who are not so sure to dive into the world of dashboarding in an office setting yet through investing more than just their time.
2. It gives a glimpse of dashboarding in an office setting. The book is useful for someone who is looking to start performing dashboarding at an office. It talks about showing your dashboarding to your colleagues and bosses, in addition to steps to getting the data from a database using SQL.
Final Verdict: A good read for someone to understand the process of dashboarding in a typical office setting.