List: 5 of My Tableau Vizzes from 2021 Q4

The final "5 of my Tableau Viz" post for 2021. For this quarter, my output of data viz has been rather low. However, I think I have made at least 5 data viz that I can write about, so here are the 5. 

1. 90s Animated and Children Live-Action Shows

An #IronQuest submission on the theme for Viz a Year or Decade. I have decided to look at animated and children's live-action shows from the 90s. I think what stands out from this viz is the process of visualising data being laid out - "Data", "Visuals", "Story". This is not only a topic also holds a place in my heart as a 90s kid, but the process is also something I have been wanting to try since reading "Storytelling with Data" book . I want to do something more than an explanatory data viz, and also put my general steps to creating a viz into a viz. 

2. Top 100 Billionaires - #DiversityinData

A #DiversityinData entry on Top 100 Billionaires. It had been difficult for me to build the story for this data viz as the dataset on the top 100 billionaires do not really show any obvious disparity Hence, I look at it from the geographical and gender aspects at first. Then it strike me that there is a possibility to bring in external data to tell a more "complete" story of wealth among us. Although I like where the story have gone, the story can be made better if the data on the top 100 instead of 2,153 billionaires is used to make the flow better.

A submission for the initial #GamesNightViz. An obvious homage to the character selection screens with a dash of dashboarding of the dataset. I have much fun creating this viz. The fun comes from exploring the steps to creating the polar area diagram in the center using map layers in Tableau. It is a method that has not been used widely. so it feels like moving into new territory for me. 

An entry to the first Back to Basic Viz (#B2BV). It has been exciting as other new community projects pop up, so I dive into this one. Despite having set the goal of completing vizzes with more meaningful themes at the start of the year, it has become apparent that good datasets are hard to come by. Going back to the basics of creating charts gives me a chance to apply and share what I have learned with the community. I like the above bar chart because of the use of colour as borders. A column chart may be better for the number of words that need to be inserted, but I think I have made the labels work in this case by using a separate sheet for the labels/headers.  

Another #DiversityinData entry. I think the rates of depression symptoms that I am are relevant as countries try to navigate into the post-pandemic world. Effects of the pandemic are not just related to our physical health. Mental health is also an area of concern as the world bid to "step back into the normal" after more than one year of different living and work arrangements. In my country, Singapore, there is a rise in awareness of mental health issues as the nation attempts to move away from the pandemic. I think this viz is more of an experiment in terms of the "clock chart" used and how I have created it using Tableau seeing that such charts are not commonly used and not innately created in Tableau. 

All in all, the last quarter of 2021 has been a fruitful one for data viz creation. I have hopes to continue the momentum moving forward as I delve deeper into developing charts and dashboards at work and outside out of it as a lifelong learning goal.