Book Review: Tableau Strategies by Ann Jackson and Luke Stanke


I read the 2021 version.


To be exact, this book is a mixture of tips, tricks, tutorials, and strategies. Starting from the basics on how to create chart types for different situations, the book prepares readers for the more advanced content that comes later. The advanced contents include mathematical concepts used in Tableau, data modelling for Tableau, the broader Tableau ecosystem (i.e. SQL, Python), and 7 industry frameworks for readers to use for engaging their stakeholders. 


Things I like

1. Strategies. If you have already read multiple books on Tableau, the first chapters of the book may be a rehash of what you already know. However, the later chapters have provided some new insights on how to effectively use Tableau to perform data analytics and not just visualisation.

2. Case studies. After a tutorial on how to create each chart, there is a section on using the chart in a given situation. This helps readers put the charts they learned into contexts and demonstrates possible uses. Showing how the authors have tried to give the book relevance, a case study on tracking positive cases of Covid-19 is available. 

Final Verdict: This book not only shows readers how to create charts and when to use them, but it also covers the math behind Tableau and how to tap on the software to vitalise projects.