I watch the video here on YouTube read by Mr Dennis.
This may be a book for children, but it is actually a collection of works by Josef Albers, an artist " best remembered for his work as an abstract painter and theorist". The paintings include ones from "the series Homage to the Square... begun in 1949, Albers explored chromatic interactions with nested squares. Usually painting on Masonite, he used a palette knife with oil colours and often recorded the colours he used on the back of his works. Each painting consists of either three or four squares of solid planes of colour nested within one another, in one of four different arrangements and in square formats..." The paintings are similar pictured on the cover of the book. Each painting takes up a page with a simple sentence below. Although there is not much depth in the writing, I think the paintings are inspiring for artistic data vizzes in terms of shapes and colours.
Check out more of Josef Albers' works here at https://albersfoundation.org/art/josef-albers/paintings/homages-to-the-square/index/.
Things I like
1. An exploration of shapes and colour. Some of the paintings included in the book seem suitable for data viz. They include Proportional Area Chart (Square), Nested Proportional Area Chart, and Dot Plot.
Final Verdict: A children's book that may ignite your artistic side.